Hillhouse Investigations, Inc.
Aura Imbalance Page

Have you ever had the sort of morning where you wake up first thing and already you realize that it's going to be a shitty day? Its 6:00 a.m. and already you have a headache, the kids are screaming, the husband is yelling about wrinkly shirts and the dog crapped in the middle of the kitchen. Sure you have. We know we have. The common misconception about this experience is that there is little one can do about it, because it's not your fault anyway. It's the kid's fault and the husband's fault and the dog's fault. Right? Wrong! We used to think so too, but then, after a bit of research we found the real reasons for such angst ridden mornings. AURA IMBALANCE!

We've found that in cases such as the one mentioned above (and who has not lived through the hell of a morning like that?) the real problem is that the person feeling "out of whack" is really suffering from an Energy Field Dysfluctuation (EFD) or Aura Imbalance. What happens is that, during the night while you are fast asleep, little bits and pieces of the psychic residue that surrounds your body (the aura) and keeps it wholly intact can slowly melt away and drift off to someone else nearby and, literally, stick to them. The same occurs in reverse. Chunks of other people's aura can often drift away and cling to the outer shell of your own energy field. At Hillhouse, we call this Aura Swapping, and it's more common than you might think, especially for those with very large auras.

In fact, our researchers have found that most people are subject to minor Aura Swapping each and every day, but that in almost all cases, upon getting up in the morning, your personal aura is awakened from its nesting area on someone else's energy field and returns to you. When this happens there is no problem at all. It is perfectly natural and apart of the Yin and Yang of our every day lives. Aura Imbalance occurs when your aura refuses to, or is unable to, awaken when you do. In these cases someone else, usually those close to you (spouse, children, pets), has STOLEN YOUR AURA! And, of course, you have stolen theirs. Sound hopeless? It isn't.

At Hillhouse we have devised a series of physical and emotional exercises for you and your family on those "out of whack" days. We offer both audio and video cassettes, as well as a full line of CD ROM programs for your home computer with which you can learn, in the comfort of your own home, how to minimize the effects of Aura Swapping. These lessons are designed to be quick, easy, hypoallergenic and almost completely painless. A little Aura Swapping is fine, but at Hillhouse, we've learned that too much is not only bad, dirty and icky, but it is also the source for all evil in the world.

Call us today! Hillhouse... we understand.

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